Finishing – Staining & Painting
After staircase installation, Nevada Stairs have no control over varying site conditions – which may include dust and grit. Care should be taken to minimize the levels of dust and grit in or around the stair before it is painted or stained.
When cleaning wood elements of your stair, we recommend using a damp cloth or mop to remove dust or dirt. If using cleaning products, water based variations are the best, as products that contain harsh chemicals (e.g. Acetone) may damage surfaces and finishes.
For steel and glass elements window cleaner (e.g. Windex) produces a clean and clear finish. In order to care for stainless steel indoors, an ordinary household cleaner with low chloride used regularly with plenty of water is all that is required. Drying afterwards will avoid leaving any streaky marks.
We’re here when you need us
Our experienced technical support team can help you with any questions about specific preventative care and maintenance. Call us or email with any question.
Phone: 702 739.3481 Email: info@nevadastairs.com